Local AFL-CIO Insulators, Tin Kinockers and Pipefitters from Cambridge Local use a large inflatable rat to make clear how they feel about the use of non-union, non-Cambridge workers by PH Mechanical for work currently underway at 302 Third Street in Kendall Square. “They don’t conform to community standards; they are unlicensed, and they have no apprentice program,” said one union member who declined to give his name. He said he expects that Cambridge City Council will be discussing the issue at its next meeting, possibly this evening.
Photos C. Anita M. HarrisInsulators, Tin Knocker, & Pipefitters Local AFL-CIO unions protest use of non-union workers at 302 3rd St.
—Anita M. Harris
Anita Harris is a writer in Cambridge, MA. New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, a marketing and public relations firm based in Kendall Square, Cambridge.
They should also protest the rent rates too. They pay the least tax and they charge the highest rates for rent. No way to control it. Maybe we should write the Department of Justice do an investigation.