In my ongoing attempts at [un?] abashed self promotion, I thought I’d share the latest on the View From Third Street. which has garnered some great reviews and blurbs! Would much appreciate your help in spreading the word….Forward a link to friends? Post a review on Amazon? Ask your library to order it? Write an article or request an interview? Suggest or send to journos who will? Ok, so much for the ask.
I am totally grateful to:

- Alex S. Jones, winner of the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for specialized reporting on journalism, who describes the book as “An intimate and heartfelt memoir of “Ani,” the 23-year-old version of author and journalist Anita M. Harris, who lives and navigates the tumult of the early 1970s from the alternative newspaper she founded, with college friends, on Third Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.”
- Steven Greenhouse, author of Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present of American Labor. He calls The View from Third Street “ a highly readable memoir that delves into several fascinating chapters in U.S. history, including the protest movement against the Vietnam War, the birth of the anti-abortion movement, growing concerns about the abuse of farm workers, and American divisiveness at the time of Nixon’s Watergate scandal. Full of color and personal grace notes, these stories are told from the perspective of a young Pennsylvania-based journalist who was witnessing and writing about a fast-changing and rapidly polarizing America.
- Journalist Alison Bass, author of Brassy Broad, a memoir of her own groundbreaking work at the Boston Globe and elsewhere. Alison wrote a spectacular review in which she calls the View From Third Street “Amazingly redolent of our current social and political climate.” She totally nails it in the full review at https://alison-bass.com/anita-harriss-memoir-of-the-iconic-harrisburg-eight-trial-draws-parallels-with-the-present/ ).
In case you missed my launch talk, you can link to it and photos at Anitamharris.com . And you can find my books and recently updated author’s page on Amazon (where I took the opportunity to tell folks not to confuse me with the British rock star who totally hogs You Tube using my name).
Oh, I forgot to mention...buy the book?